Download NERDSS

Download NERDSS for free

Installation instructions:

NERDSS is compatible with:
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

To build NERDSS, you need:
a. A C++ compiler:
- For macOS, install XCode
- For Ubuntu, install a compiler through apt
b. GNU Scientific Library (GSL) version 1.5 or higher:
- For macOS, install via Homebrew
- For Ubuntu, install via apt
c. Make version 4.2.1 or higher for installation

1. Click the button above to download NERDSS

2. Unzip the downloaded file

3. Open a terminal and navigate to the unzipped NERDSS. directory

4. Run the following command to build NERDSS:

make serial

4'. If you wish to build faster, or are having issues building NERDSS using the command above, you can try using cmake alternatively:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make //(may use j flag to specify number of cores to use)

5. The NERDSS executable nerdss should be in the /bin or /build directory